In this very easy lesson, you will learn how to describe different time periods of the day easily in Chinese! Watch the video to follow along to Teacher Lin's lesson or scroll down for the time periods written out in Chinese.
Time periods in Chinese
- 半夜 (bàn yè) Midnight (12am – 1am)
- 凌晨 (líng chén) Before dawn (1am – 5am)
- 早上 (zǎo shang) Early morning (5am – 9am)
- 上午 (shàng wǔ) Morning (9am – 12pm)
- 中午(zhōng wǔ) Noon (12pm – 1pm)
- 下午 (xià wǔ) Afternoon (1pm – 5pm)
- 傍晚 (bang wǎn) Dusk (5pm – 7pm)
- 晚上(wǎn shàng) Evening (7pm -12am)
What is your favorite period of the day?