Today's word was: ‘晚’ (Wǎn) - Late / Evening / Night
晚饭(wǎnfàn) - Dinner
晚上(wǎnshang) - Evening
晚会(wǎnhuì) - Evening banquet
晚饭我们吃什么?(wǎnfàn wǒmen chī shénme?) What are we eating for dinner today?
晚上我去看电影. (wǎnshang wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng.) I am going to see a movie in the evening.
那天晚会大家很沉闷! (nèitiān wǎnhuì dàjiā hěn chénmèn) The party that night was very dull!
Let us know which phrases and sentences you can make with the word of the day below!
Use the word 家 (Home) to make a phrase or sentence! We will check :)