Today’s word of the day is 于 (yú) which means ‘to’ for example ‘to someone’ or ‘to something’. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 于 (yú).
对于 (duì yú) With regards to
The first word is 对于 (duì yú) which means ‘with regards to’. A way of using it in a sentence is: 对于她的工作我很满意。(Duìyú tā de gōngzuò wǒ hěn mǎnyì.) With regards to her work, I am very satisfied.
属于 (shǔ yú) Belong to
Another word we can create with 于 (yú) is 属于 (shǔ yú). This means ‘belong to’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我们属于彼此。(Wǒmen shǔyú bǐcǐ.) We belong together.
由于 (yóu yú) Due to
Finally, we can create the word 由于 (yóu yú) which means ‘due to’. A way of using it in a sentence is 由于 天气 原因 ,所有 的 航班 都 要 推迟 起飞。(Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, suǒyǒu de hángbān dōu yào tuīchí qǐfēi.) Due to the weather, all flights have had to be postponed.